LC1325M Metal And Non-Metal Laser Cutting Machine

It has a broad cutting range, it can cut both metal and nonmetal materials, etc.


Adopted Taiwan TBI Ball Screw, high movement efficiency, low heat, so it can achieve high-speed feed, high precision, excellent durability.

Adopted Panasonic servo motor, high efficiency, low noise, low operating temperature, low radiation electro magnetic radiation, long life, can be used in a variety of environments.

Industry Applications

The machine can satisfy the demands of cutting and engraving large quantity of clothing fabrics, leather, wood, acrylic, paper and other industries.


레이저기 Sealed CO2 laser tube
레이저 파워 150w 280w
절단 면적 1300mm x 2500mm
기계사이즈 3600 x 1850 x 1300(mm)
절단 속도 20m/min
반복위치 추적 정밀도 ±0.05mm
전압&주파수 220V±10%, 50-60Hz
총 파워 10kw
온도 0-45℃
습도 5-95%



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